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All the people dearest to my heart with gratitude: 


Ashley Rhianne 

Experienced and award-winning teacher, coach, Oriental Dance Queen. Ashley is a Must to study under and experience live.


Aurora Mullett 

When I have claws she is my nail tech.

Instagram: @missauroraness


Brendan Lally Photography

Beloved photographer and drummer!


Corina Taylor

Dear friend and entrepreneur of many talents!

Interior designer:

Parent coach on Facebook @auntiecorinaparentcoach


Datura Online

The home of Rachel Brice and my primary source for online Bellydance classes.


Keyna Bruden

Dear friend and multi talented artist.


Koro Entertainment

Live entertainment company specializing in Gypsy Romani music and dance.


Lisa Jordan

My former teacher. Founder and artistic director of Ammara Dance.


Nicci of Tha Realm

Dear friend, cheerleader, Queen of veil and of Lyrical Fusion Bellydance.


Shimmy Mob

Francesca is a huge role model for me as a dancer and a business professional, but what inspires me the most is the good she does in the world through this Movement. If you're reading this and are in trouble, reach out you are not alone and yes there is a way out. Read this website reach out. Big hugs, hang in there you got this!


Souhaer Zarik

Former teacher and founder of Hip Kik, my home studio in Toronto.


Vancouver School of Healing Arts

Where I completed 240 hour Yoga Teacher Training program. The student clinic is a great place to receive Massage and Yoga therapy for those on a budget.



My dear friend of Unity Dance Company!

On Facebook: @unitydanceyvr


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Struggling with self doubt crafting my Megadeth piece, Nicci of Tha Realm made this for me to cheer me on. Made me cry, it was the morale booster I needed and I am keeping this for forever. Thank you Nicci you are a Gem!

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The coolest cats who ever cooled and the happiest happies that ever happied!

Zahara and I after a workshop with Ashley Rhianne.

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From Shimmy Mob 2014, my first year participating!

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From Ammara student recital Layakari 2014, drumming for the performance troupe with Lisa Jordan. 

Photo by Brendan Lally.

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My dear friend Corina passed all of her shiny dancy things down to me. Thank you!


After a Dance to the Beat of the Drum workshop by Ashley Rhianne and Tim Gerwing. 


This Secret Beach is my special Gem.


This building and this time of my life will always be a Gem in my heart.

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