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23 October 2020: New Lady Lair! 

Permanent, dedicated studio space for true surrender to Metal Art Life. Finished painting my dance mirror, beautiful new peacock feathers from a mighty one named Ollie through my dear friend Corina, thank you ♥


28 September 2020: Welcome to my Lady Lair! 

Have a seat friend let me grab you some tea. Here you will find all things Lady from my humble Lair! Smart tips for safe Ladies on the streets, product/service reviews, all kinds of rituals, life hacks, recipes, things for sale, and more! 


True Tales from the Crypt of my Lady Lair, I can't make this up! 

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Thank you Corina the Human and Ollie the Peacock ♥

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My private home office and studio.




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Full listing of my Services HERE

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My new dance mirror painted par moi!

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